Thank you for joining ULI New Mexico’s Routes to the Future: ABQ Area Transportation Innovation! Below are the presentations on ABQ Ride Forward and the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
Thank you to our event sponsor, Ventana Fund and event host, Tractor Brewing Company.
Transitions 2045 – Metropolitan Transportation Plan, click view to see the presentation.
ABQ Ride Forward Recovery Network, click view to see the presentation.
Thank you to our great speakers and organizers:
Transportation Planning & Technical Services Manager,
Mid-Region Council of Governments - PEACH ANDERSON-TAUZER
Outreach & Engagement Planner,
Mid-Region Council of Governments - AARON SUSSMAN
Principal Planner/New Mexico Market Lead,
Toole Design Group - ANDREW DE GARMO
Principal Planner,
ABQ Ride
Thank you again to our generous event sponsor: Ventana Fund